Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

MSc in Executive Management (Banking)

Alliance MBS banking specialists worked with ICBC to design a unique accredited overseas study programme for ICBC managers that combined robust academic study, practical global business experience and cultural immersion activities. Over three years the partnership with Alliance MBS strengthened the international reputation and awareness of the ICBC brand, and equipped future leaders with the strong leadership and strategic vision they need to head up new overseas branches and drive the organisation forward in its large scale internationalisation programme.

“I was not convinced about the benefits that I would get from this course before I came to Manchester, but it has exceeded all expectations and really pushed me. Coming to the UK to study, meeting people of different backgrounds and different cultures, and especially experiencing business in the UK through an internship, has given me confidence that in future I can work with foreign employees within ICBC and be involved in our internationalisation strategy.”

— Derek Tang, ICBC student
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